Meetings and events


Mar, 2021

GAP-f webinar on Best practices in clinical research for the development of paediatric formulations


We are pleased to invite you to the kick-off of #BetterDrugs4Kids, GAP-f’s new quarterly webinar series on paediatric drug optimization, featuring deep dives on paediatric drug prioritization, evaluation, development, and delivery, and promoting discussions to close the paediatric treatment gaps. The first webinar, on “Best practices in clinical research for the development of paediatric formulations”, is hosted by GAP-f’s Clinical Research Working Group, led by Penta. The webinar will be an opportunity to reflect on concrete innovations for optimizing efforts and more rapidly generate the evidence needed to inform the […]



Mar, 2021

International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics now accepting abstracts!


The 13th international workshop on HIV Pediatrics will be held virtually on 16 July 2021. Researchers from around the world are invited to submit their abstracts for presentation on one of the following topics: The workshop will feature a wide range of exciting talks, discussions, debates, clinical case presentations, and networking opportunities. Investigators at all career stages are encouraged to submit one or more abstracts. Pediatric HIV Case Finding (Including Early Infant Diagnosis) Treatment of Pediatric HIV Infection Optimising Care of Children and Youth Co-Infections/Complications of HIV/Treatment in Children and […]



Nov, 2020

Louise Hill Presents NeoVanc Sub-study Results at ESPID 2020

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Louise Hill presented the findings of a NeoVanc sub-study at ESPID’s 2020 Virtual Meeting in late October. Below is a summary of the study and findings. Enterococcus (a bacterium) and candida (a fungus) can sometimes be found on or in the human body.  Occasionally enterococci can develop resistance to one of the antibiotics usually used to treat it – vancomycin. Vancomycin use has been linked to a rise in vancomycin-resistant enterococci and candida on or in the bodies of babies admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. Babies with vancomycin-resistant […]


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